Saturday, February 2, 2013

Burn Fat Faster AND Longer

If you are trying to lose weight you are most likely doing steady cardio workouts at least 3 times a week.  What if I told you you can burn more calories and keep that metabolic rate up up to 24 hours after you finish working out!  Sounds to good to be true right?  Wrong!  The secret is interval training.  Most of us hop on the bike or jog on the treadmill at a consant rate until we are done. Well it's time to change things up.  Listed below are some powerful interval training session guaranteed to melt that fat off.

Stationary Bike

  • Warm up for 2 minutes
  • At the 2 minute mark, increase the resistance to one that challenges you most and pedal as hard as you can for 30 seconds
  • Lower the resistance after 30 seconds and continue pedaling for 1 minute
  • Raise the resitance back up and pedal as fast as you can for 30 seconds
  • Repeat this process SEVEN times


  • The same process can be applied to jogging on a treadmill
  • Warm up for 2 minutes at a moderate pace
  • Increase the speed and sprint for 30 seconds
  • Decrease the speed and jog for one minute
  • Repeat this process SEVEN times


  • First find yourself a track to run on
  • Take a warm-up lap mixing a brisk walk with a slow jog
  • Start a stopwatch and time yourself running one mile to the bestof your abilities
  • AS SOON as you finish your mile check your time but don't stop!
  • Continue by walking the next lap
  • On your next lap you are going to sprint at each of the 100 yard dashes, walking in between
  • Do this for 2 laps
  • Top it all off with a cool down lap



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