Monday, April 2, 2012

Lose Those Extra Pounds

When people think of losing weight the first thing that pops into their minds is diet, diet, diet. That word alone scares people into thinking they can't do it. So for those of you who hate that word, I have good news for you; you don't have too! When you talk about losing weight it's not about how much food you put in your body, it's what kinds. As a matter of fact, if you cut too much food out of your daily consumption you can actually gain weight! When your body is food deprived it goes into survival mode and instead of burning fat cells,it stores them. So we aren't going to focus on limiting food but instead on eating the right foods. Below is a list of foods you should start eating to start you on your path to your dream body.

Eggs are a key breakfast food. Consider switching your bagel or your muffins with 2-3 eggs every morning. Eggs keep that 'full' feeling in your stomach longer. Many studies show people who ate eggs for breakfast rather than breads and such lost almost double the weight!

Get the munchies a lot? Try grabbing for some celery sticks instead of those tempting pretzel sticks. A fun fact about celery, it actually burns more calories to eat it than are actually in it!

You know how the saying goes an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Well the same can be said about fat. An apple is only around 100 calories but is relatively high in fiber. When trying to lose weight, fiber plays a significant role in keeping you full longer.

Another healthy breakfast alternative, oatmeal is part of a class of foods that release carbohydrates slower than other foods. This slow release helps the body maintain normal sugar levels which in turn gives you the satisfaction of feeling full for long periods of time.

Eating a salad before a meal is good for you in many ways. Not only are you getting multiple nutrients, but studies show eating a salad before a meal can cause you to eat up to 20% less during the meal.

Black Beans
Black beans are part of the high protein foods. Black beans can supply you with up to 20 grams of protein without any of the fats found in other foods! Protein is vital when trying to grow and recover muscles.

Brown Rice
Brown rice is a healthier pick over white rice. Its packed with fiber and resistant starch, a healthy carb that boosts your metabolism which in turn burns more calories!

Choosing any fish over meat is a smart choice. Salmon especially is leaner and higher in protein not from fat in comparison to red meats.

Eating a pear or two a day curbs that appetite by filling you with fiber. Make sure to eat the skin! That's where the fiber is hiding.

These are just a few of the foods you should eat. Stay posted for even more foods and recipes!


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