Friday, January 25, 2013


The fundamentals of Parkour:

To sum up Parkour is directed perfectly from John Morrison (a skilled expert in parkour) in this video:

"It's basically working out your entire body, your wrists, your knees, your ankles, your shoulders, pretty much everything.  This type of intense training is a full body workout!  Imagine someone going into the gym doing the bench press over and over again, there just building up one muscle group.  There not conditioning there body to withstand any kind of punishment or abuse."

While having been around for sometime, parkour is still relatively new to the world of fitness and still is not accepted as a true foundation for fitness.  But when you get right down to it and study it for what its worth, Parkour is truly one of the most physical and rewarding activities a person can do! 

Advantages of Parkour:
-Build up every muscle group in your body through one workout
-Can avoid the people in the gym (the world is your playground)
-Gives you added strength and endurance
-Builds up your physical activity
-Ever changing, evolving.  there is NEVER a similar parkour workout
-Keeps you EXTREMELY focused on your task at hand
-Mind/body awareness

Disadvantages of Parkour:
-Probably the biggest disadvantage and ONLY one is that it can be extremely dangerous if taken for granted
-Have to be pretty well physically fit for it requires a lot of movement, motions, bending, stretching, jumping, hurling, etc.

Parkour is getting from Point A to Point B in the shortest amount of time possible.  Without letting anything stand in your way!  Many different physical activities are associated with parkour.  Some of the basic moves are kong vaults, side vaults, dash vaults, and wall climbs.  The level of skill is endless.  It all depends on your work effort and how much you sacrifice to reach your goal you set forth.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Four Ways To Keep Your New Years Resolution

     With every New Year comes new resolutions and things we promise to do, to help ourselves.  Whether it's losing weight, gaining muscle mass, or just maintaining a healthier lifestyle there is a right way to do it and a wrong way.  Listed below are the four biggest mistakes for you to avoid.

1.  Don't expect results right away

With most resolutions such as losing weight, you will not see results overnight or even within a week.  True weightloss takes weeks on weeks on months.  Expecting quick results is a sure way to fail.  You will expect unreal results and when they don't happen you will feel discouraged and quit before you even began.

2.  Unrealistic Expectations

This goes along the same pattern as stated above.  Don't expect six pack abs after one week on a program or to lose 20 lbs by the end of your second week.  We live in a world that now requires instant satisfaction to feel like you accomplished anything.  News flash, if you expect results fast you are guranteed to fail.

3.  Don't set unrealistic goals

Be smart about what you say you are going to do.  If you say your going to wake up at five in the morning everyday and workout, you might do that that for a week or two but after awhile that routine will take its toll on you and you will give up.  Set something realistic, like you will go to the gym at least four times a week etc.

4.  Don't Give Up

Out of this list, this is probably the most important one.  Do NOT give up no matter what!  You can do anything you set your mind too.  If you want to lose 40 lbs by summer you can do it!  Get a six pack?  You can do it!  Do yourself a favor and keep going, you will thank yourself later.